Does anyone know how to extract the music from an mp3 and be left with only the vocals? Also vise versa?
Not sure, bud. But you may want to try an approriate forum.. like the Audio forums ;-)
if your after accapellas (which is the real word for words taken from a song) then go to sign up and keep active on the site for a few days then theyll let you download from their huge collection of acapellas, also theres a lot of hints and tips on how to make your own acapellas, it a more specialised forum for this type of thing
@SypherTek: A Capella is NOT "the real word for words taken from a song". Sites such as you have posted have stolen the word to mean "Song Lyrics" and they should simply say that. A Capella is Italian for "In the style of the chapel" and comes from the days when most churches could not afford organs or other instruments so songs were written to be sung without instrumentation....hence the term, an "A Capella Choir". On rare occasion someone would throw in a hand made recorder of flute to play the T-1, or S-1 vocal part, (not a lot of female singers...they'd choose certain little boys and cut theit hoo-haas off; they were called the "castrati") but it was not accompaniment. A capella music are vocal arrangements to be sung without accompaniment. I know it seems like hair splitting but imagine would would happen if I hijacked the word "guitar" and gave to a instrument of my own invention. The piano as we know it today came into existance around 1790 and some continued to call it a very confusing and forced people to use the proper name which was a pianoforte (a "loud-soft" [piano=soft / forte=loud] because a harpsichord had essentially only one volume level) but got shortened to a piano.