Is this compatible with M3DS Real? I want it just to play roms, not for the rumble or browser, but I couldn't find any conclusive evidence anywhere. Any help would be appreciated. I know Real has its own GBA thing, but I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has any other suggestions for a good GBA cart that is also welcomed.
There are two well known home brews that run GBA games on the EZ-Flash 3 in 1. Rudolf wrote one and Cory1492 wrote the other. As I understand it, as long as you can run these from slot 1 and have the 3 in 1 in slot 2 that you can play GBA games. Once Cory1492 GBALdr puts a game on the 3 in 1, you can treat it like a regular gba cart. For GBALdr you do need gbata to SRAM patch games such as Golden Sun that save to EEprom.