EZ Flash Vi + 8gb SDHC Crashed??

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by ac427, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. ac427

    ac427 Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I recently bought a DS Lite for my son that came with a EZ Flash VI card and a 8gb card with 100 games on it. While some of the games would not load, quite a few were fine so i left it. Suddenly the DS shut down and will no longer power up. I work offshore and had just left to go to work when it happened, si it will have to wait until i get home to fix it. In the meantime my wife went to Walmart and grabbed a new DS Lite off the shelf. Came home and the game cartridge will not work.

    I assumed it was updated software in the DS Console, so using remote computer software i logged in to my home pc and formatted the SD card using a Panasonic formatter, went to the EZ flash site and downloaded the latest Kernel. I then put on 3 games which we knew worked and it still will not work. When you turn it on, you can see the flash card, but when you select it the screen just goes black. We have an original game card that works just fine in the new console so it has to be something to do with the EZ card. Trying to find information is hard as our internet on the boat is filtered so most things with references to gaming are blocked so it's frustrating to troubleshoot. The remote software for my home pc can get me access to unfiltered websites but the connection is slow and the screen resolution makes it hard to read the websites.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  2. GBX_Lee

    GBX_Lee Regular member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    The EZ Flash has been supported by the team for a long time, which means many new games can't work now . What I recommend is buying a well supported flashcart like acekard 2i supercard dstwo. Try slickgate.com if you don't know how perform the update, they will help you if you buy flashcart form them.

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