I just got one of EZFlash V. It was working fine until just a second ago now it freezes on the loader screen and wont let me do anything. I've only had since yesterday why would it stop working and how do you fix it? I have played games on it all night and it worked perfect but now it won't let load anything.
First thing to do is upgrade to the latest kernel (1.65), also check your microSD for any problems (CheckDisk and Defrag) I've only ever had my EZFlash freeze like that once and reinstalling the kernel fixed it.
YeAH I REFORMATTED THE CARD REINSTALLED THE KERNAL. It still dont work. Im getting very frustrated. The sd card works fine on my pc so it should work fine in the ezflash right. I mean it works fine until the load screen then it wont do anything. I think i am going to send it back and get the super lite.