holy crap, uggh, microsoft why must u make ur loyal consumers so angry by not giving them an xbox 360 when they want it...called up blockbuster today and say, "Hi, i ave a preordered xbox 360, am i on the top 5 list of earliest preorders so i can get one?"."Hold on one moment please."(wait for 10 minutes and i swear i hear the guy chowing down on something)"Well, ive got good news, and bad news." "Whats the bad news?" "well youre #6 on the preorder list so u dont get one" (im thinking u cheated me M$, y,y,y,y????#6 out of 5 why not give them 1 more??)"What's the good news?" "Well we might get another shipment b4 christmas" "How the F*** is that good news, thats a whole month, GOD DAM* IT M$ Sry, just letting off some steam.......
Mmmmh...lets see, there was Confucious, Aristotle, Plato, Nietzsche and now.....(drum roll pleeeease)... Rosco404, lol. I thought that response was to die for especially in response to the highly emotional rant from Crispduck(No disrespect meant). Another fine example of Microsoft just being Microsoft. Take heart my friend.......take Bill Gates' heart, lol.
LOL! Thanks Jamz.. Err... I think ; ) I usually think in 1010001010's (lol j/k) Microsoft want to get there before Sony and thats the price they are going pay... They will be pushed this christmas : )