Need a little advice here. Dloaded fab and was trying to use it and ,after puting disk in and hitting Start, get this message (all of the files in directort c/documents and settings/owner/ my documents/dvd/will be delited,are you sure)i cannot find a guide for FAB, do you use it with Shrink like the other one, or what am i doing Wrong? And thanking you in Advance. Andy
You are not doing anything wrong. This is the folder that you have chosen to save your ripped video files to. DVDFab is just letting you know that if you have anything in there it will be replaced by the files it is getting ready to rip. You get this message whether there are files in that folder or not. You can always have it rip the files to another folder. Once the files are ripped, then you use Shrink to compress/reauthor them and the app of your choice to burn them...
teflonmyk,Please forgive me, I am new and need a lot of HELP. Are you saying to download to another folder, something like your browser folder and make a new one, and FAB will send the files to that folder?Then use shrink and whatever to finish. I am using ANYDVD & CLONEDVD2, are these OK. Thanking you in advance/.,/ Andy
You can use the default folder that it creates. Rip it to that folder, and then run through Shrink. OR, since you have AnyDVD, you can rip it with Shrink with AnyDVD running. Save it to whatever folder you wish or assign the drive that you will be using to burn as the destination. Once it's analyzed and "shrunk," insert the blank and burn away. This would be the quicker way... Better yet, step-by-step instructions are here (I haven't used Shrink in a while):