Fable Backup green dirty disc screen im sad =(

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Xenokai, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    it worked for awhile till i went to load it later and it showed the error =/. i was thinking it was my media but read on for a hour or so and found out craxtion 4.0 doesnt pacth fable right and i needed to use 3.1 =( already burnt it to a dvd+r =/ so i used dvdtoxbox and put it on my hdd with my backup and it works lol so i guess its still backed up so if i deled it from my hdd i can get it back cause i dont wanna waste another dvd+r =/ i hate coaster's! this is my first coaster ever! on movies or a game backup guess ill read more on it b4 i burn it lol. atleast its not a coaster now o guess sence i can still use it lol
  2. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Wow, I never new that Craxtion 4 patched Fable wrong. I guess I used v3.1 when I made a backup copy of it aslo, and it worked fine.
  3. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    yeah it suxed =/

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