Failed unlocking of hard drive.. need some advice.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by crazybenf, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. crazybenf

    crazybenf Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Xbox is softmodded.

    Replaced OE drive with a 120GB Maxtor drive and it's been working great.

    I want to revert back to the old drive for the xbox, so I swapped them out and tossed the 120GB Maxtor in a Win2K3 Server machine, not realizing XFS and everything else.. (its been years since i modded the xbox the first time..)

    Of course windows wouldn't see the drive.. duh. I put the drive back into the xbox to try and copy some movies over... I was hit with the Needs Service screen.

    I downloaded XBoxHDM and found the unlock code in an eeprom backup I had. Booted linux, used the unlock tool specifying the unlock code.

    Now the BIOS can't even find the drive... Any tips, or is it a paper weight?
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    did you check the jumper settings? make sure everything is set right, did you unlock everything correctly is all the stuff you did done right?
  3. crazybenf

    crazybenf Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Yeah, the jumpers are correct. The only option I rain the XboxHDM utilities was the "unlock drive using code" option.

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