Far cry on my pc... Problem, help...

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by .Apu., Jan 21, 2005.

  1. .Apu.

    .Apu. Guest

    I just bought Far Cry for my Pc, and it really isint fun, with the problems i have. Freezing for several seconds, grafical errors all around me, i formatet my computer to see if it helped but no. Maby it would help to now, that i didint have the grafical errors before i formated, but still lots of freezing. My computer specs are: "2.8 ghz" "512 mb" "radeon 9200 256 grafikcard" "80 gb". Isint this enough? Can i check, if something is wrong with my computer? I have had simmelar problems, with other games, witch should play good enough.

    Please Help Me...
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what windows & directx versions you running
  3. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    What drivers for your graphics card? You may have to experiment with them to get the best ones for your system. The 9200 is not the most powerful card, but it should run it.
    You will have to set up advanced video options to low on most of the settings. These can make a marked difference in your framerate.
    Be warned that the framerate will fall when you are inside buildings. Far Cry is a top game, but it needs tweaking. Also, have you got the latest patch? I think it is for version 1.3.
    You will have to turn your anti-aliasing & anisoptric filtering to off, in the advanced options of your card.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2005
  4. .Apu.

    .Apu. Guest

    What driver should i use for my graphics card? A link maby? That would be such a nice help, couse when i tried, i couldent find any... Maby noobish but i couldent.... So please...
  5. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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  6. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Did you try turning down the graphics to lowest settings? If I remember right, Far Cry's graphics are about the same as Doom 3's, or very close. Those big outdoor areas put an ass-whipping on most video cards. Even my 9700 Pro had problems playing it on high settings. Medium was pretty smooth. My cousin has a 5600 something or another and he even gets some marginal skipping on medium graphics settings.

    That is a pretty mean game, make sure you turn all AA and AF off, and try turning off shadows and things like that.

    EDIT : Sorry, didn't see that pulsar already mentioned turning AA and AF off. Do that and it should help you tremendously. Turn off all options that you can live without. And maybe try playing it in a low resolution?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2005
  7. dougie007

    dougie007 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    upgrade your graphics card to 9800 and then download patch 1.3. You can get the info from www.ubi.com
  8. Uugah

    Uugah Member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Check your sound Drivers.....Theses games demand a stable sound structure in order to function properly.I also play Far Cry and was using my onboard sound but found that it wasnt stable enough.Bought a Sound Blaster 5.1 card and game plays alot better.
  9. .Apu.

    .Apu. Guest

    I have had other problems than this, so now my computer is getting repaired. My computer My computer... :(

    Myyyyyy prrrrrrrecious ARRRRRRGH.... (Gollum)

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