fat 32

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sandygk, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. sandygk

    sandygk Member

    Nov 7, 2003
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    Hi I've just joined. Never written a message
    I have this beautiful computer from Time.
    Fat 32 can be used as it was regarded as
    being faster, but ntfs is just as fast now
    also you can record your full dvds as there
    is no limit on the recording.Also its more
    secure.I'm on a home network.
    The pinnacle software is too controlling
    of the drive ,so I removed the software,
    my cd and dvd icons disapeared,they were
    recognised in the bios, but not in windows,
    I was given a driver cd from Time,but no
    reload cd.
    My only way round it was to reinstall.
    Just thought I'd let you know about the
    pinnacle software.
    DVD Shrink the free software is very good.
    I've backed up a DVD my son kept watching,
    he is not careful with them.
    But this drive is very finnicky.
    In one instance, I had written a dvd, The
    DVD didn't show up in the drive, I was ready
    to throw the disk away, but tried it in the
    non computer DVDs and it worked.
    I tried it again in the drive, after several
    trys,it finally showed up,after about 2 mins.
    I'm also thinking of ditching the drive,
    after the problems everybody is having.
    bye newbie Sandygk
  2. yuedana

    yuedana Regular member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    don't hit return when you write unless you want a carriage return.

    what kind of drive do you have? What kind of media do you use? You want ntfs. What pinnacle software are you talking about?
  3. koola

    koola Guest

    ? That alot of text!

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