Fell free to share you're favorite free downloads are. mine arevd shrink:great system to copy dvds Itunes :Excellent software to play music.Easy to use Goggle earth: Sattelite pictures of the whole earth Microsoft Antispyware:This is about the best free antivrus on earth it always alerts you of any change made on you're computer so you can chose to allow or dissolow the change those are a few of my favorite downloads please fell free to share youre's
Not sure if that was a typo, but Microsoft anti-spyware is not a antivirus program and they have released their beta 2 version. http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
1. Microsoft's Windows Defender - Spyware Program 2. CCleaner - PC Cleaner 3. Ares - Music 4. Undercover XP - DVD Cover Printing 5. Xlink Kai - Xbox Gaming
CCleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY Thanks you ozzy, i thouht i was like the only one in the world who used that. lol. 1.iTunes 2.CCleaner 3.Picasa2 4.GoogleDesktop alots of others. CG
my favourite free anti-virus is AVG....i think its even better than Norton....i had norton...i was virus free...i used AVG and i found viruses that norton didnt....now dats weefweshing =pepsimaxx=
AVG is definately better than norton! I would say any anti-virus would protect better than norton but AVG does have it's own problems. Sometimes AVG will detect a virus but will not heal it. I tend to pay for my anti virus from Trend Micro which is amazing software.
yeah true true. i would say AVG is probably the best [bold]free[/bold] anti-virus out there. =pepsimaxx=
AVG free, CCleaner, HJT, ewido, firefox, ad aware, spybot, pg2, ePrompter,VLC,Zone Alarm free, Azereus, frostwire and msn messenger.. My faves
video player http://www.videolan.org/ music player http://www.winamp.com/ mp3 tagger http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ spyware prevention http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html