who was your favorite power ranger? any series as well, my favorite is the green tommy ranger from the original, he was bad @$$, he had the dagger that was a flute and played it and his megazord came!(yes, i know im a nerd, no need to repeat!!) =)
the pink one cause she was hot! also cause I knew her because she acted in a show I used to work on (felicity)
Definetely the pink one! The series I watched I can vaguely remember.... Mastadon! Teradactyl! Triceratops! Sabre-Toothed Tiger! Tyranosaurus! Yeeeaaahh =)
@ djscoop Did you actually appear on the show or were you a behind the scenes guy? As for the question. Definately the pink ranger.
you guys are joking about the pink ranger right??? All the rangers are guys with highlights in there hair. But definetly the pink ranger, hehe
no geestar, the pink one WAS a girl...Amy Jo Johnson if I remember correctly. And when I worked with her on felicity I was doing audio (hell no I'm not getting in front of a camera...I belong in front of an audio booth!)
you may have thought he-she was a girl but you got blinded by man boobies. but I'll take your word on who the pink ranger was since I havn't seen it in.....oh, 8 years or so.
read it and weep... http://imdb.com/name/nm0005057/ "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" (1993) TV Series .... Kimberly Hart/The Pink Ranger thank god it wasn't a dude I was staring at lol
LOL I forgot about those... talk to ya later kids, time to go releive some aggression and play the drums!
no I'm not, I was dayplaying (getting a last minute call to fill in for a few days) so I was just covering the main mixer, and dayplayers don't show up in the credits. But check out under Art Department...thats my pops!