I enjoy "The Surreal Life" for the fact that I can watch train wrecks all day. As long as it is not my life.
Mmmm...lets see...well im starting to watch The Law Firm and Brat Camp...those are really the ones...
yeah, but when you have kids around like I do, it is almost a must. As of reality T.V. like I said, I enjoy train wrecks. I also enjoy "The Soup". It totally makes fun of reality t.v. and other stupid shows.
I do agree they are crap, but when you have seen and been through the crap in my life, then watching these horrible shows seems to be pretty funny. I am talking about BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD ROOMATES!!!
Reality shows are becoming ridiculous and sadly taking over television entertainment. Theres one coming out about a tatoo parlor. [bold]SO WHAT, WHO CARES[/bold] I'd rather watch reruns of Mr. Roger's neighborhood.
why pay $1000,000 an episode for ER or something like that when you could pay 10,000 an episode for some crappy reality show
I like Fear Factor,because they go through hell to win there money.I liked this one show also called The Contendor it was based on boxing,and they stopped showing it oh well right.It had Sylvestor Stallone and Sugar Ray Robinson as the host,not sure why Sylvestor Stallone was one of the hosts though.I don't think he is related to boxing,just for the fact that he was in Rocky doesn't really mean he would be a good host for boxing just an opinion on my part.It didn't last long and probably isn't known though,but atleast I have Fear Factor right.Gotta love it when they make people eat Bull nads or something crazy for money hahaha lol.
Fear factor is very sickening. I used to like it, but now I think it's been on too long. Why the hell do they have to eat things hat are still alive? Those animals did nothing wrong...
Reality shows are just a "television phase" in my opinion...I mean come on...swapping wives is not interesting at all! I do sometimes tune in and watch The Real World at times...but only when there is drama going on or when there is a fine ass chick on there like Shavonda or Coral...HOT!
i never saw it but one of the people on it put a suwstiker(the nazi thing, sorry about the spelling)on a black persons drive way and SUV, then put F the N on the persons door and did this all over his town. i use to watch Fear Factor but then they had maget chesse that was sick then i saw this i dont see how it could be but you might be right but i dont think so, its been on to long to be a phase in my opinion. in since 99 thats 6 years on friends each main cast member 250,000 each a episode they did, times that buy 4 then 20 its 20 million vs 1 million for winner
Well, this isnt really reality, but anybody remember American Gladiators??? That show was freakin hilarious!
Newton Minnow must be rolling over in his grave. He would be amazed at how much of a "vast wasteland" televison has become with reality shows. He could not have possibly known how bad it would get, when he made his speech back in 1961.