FED UP!!!!!! THIS DVD STUFF SUCKS!!!!! sony/pioneer???

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Fibre, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. Fibre

    Fibre Guest

    Okay I am getting pissed now. For those of you who are wondering WTF is up with this guy? Read my last thread http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/48404

    Continuing from there..... I exchange the SONY DRIVE for the PIONEER DVR-106D. SAME F#@!'n problem as the F#@1'n SONY!!!!!! Pixelates everywhere, plays like shit.

    I've tried EVERYTHING.

    -MAXELL DVD-R, PRINCO -R disc (11 coasters).
    -Set regions
    -Disabled Antivirus.
    -Uninstalled EZ CD Creator
    -USED TMPGEnc to produce PROPER MPGs
    -USED Adobe Premiere to PRODUCE MPGs
    -Took the burner off the top of My computer case (thought the Vibrations might be causing the laser to screw up)
    -Tested the DVD on 17 Stand Alones (All the same results)
    -Was going to update Firm Ware but it's an external using Firewire, On the Pioneer Site they say that the FirmWare update is For IDE only.
    -Installed all the MicroSoft SP 1,2,3,4 etc
    -Used DVD Architect, ULEAD DVD Movie Factory to Author the DVD's. OH YA also tried to use Sonic's DVDiT! It's suppose to work great with Premiere.......BUT IT CAN'T SEE MY DVD BURNER!!!!!

    What is it? My System? (see previous thread) Is my firewire card crap? It captures Mini DV Video Very very Well.

    Ah the hell with all of it. This DVD stuff sucks.

    If your reading these forums researching DVD burners and DVD Authoring. Do your self a favour.....DON'T. RUN!! Go with VHS if you want to record home movies, buy a second VHS Machine to record movies IT WILL BE CHEAPER.

    The funny thing is I was'nt even trying to Copy Movies......I just want to have some fun making my own.

    The hell with it all. I'm FED up. Nothing works!!!!!!!!!!! $500.00 (CDN) bucks later I'm stuck with a Glorified CD-R. AND I DON't KNOW IF THAT WORKs PROPERLY!!!!! Have'nt tested it yet.


  2. Yuriv

    Yuriv Regular member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    Hey man, sorry you're having such a rough time, but lots of people make this stuff work...so I assume that the solution to your problem is out there.
    I wouldn't assume that your drive or your media are the problem here, especially since a large number of people use the same models successfully for DVD backup.
    Rather, I imagine that your problem is arising from your capture/conversion process. For this, the best thing I can suggest is some more research. I am sure that there are forum sites on the net that deal more specifically with DV-to-DVD conversion (you are right that this site is more geared towards DVD backup). I know, for example, that the Canopus Procoder site sees a fair amount of discussion about DV material (and that the Procoder program, for that matter, is more geared to DV source material than is TMPGEnc).
    Good luck....
  3. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Not sure about Maxell, but Princo is crap.
  4. Fibre

    Fibre Guest

    OH MY God!!!!!!!

    I am laughing my ass off right now I tried out the CD-R feature on the pioneer to see if, at least I'll get a CD-R burner out of this mess, guess what happens it CAN'T... it spits it out when trying to verify.... says something about data on disc does'nt match data on HD. hahahahahahahah ....

    oh this is F@#!'n halarious 500.00 bucks for a for grey box, 100.00 on Media. WOOOO HOOOO look at me, I'm an idiot, wooo hooo .......... I bought a DVD burner. Dumbest thing I have ever bought.

    I am laughing (tears in my eyes) like crazy as I write this (I really am). I feel like Tom Hanks in the Money Pit....you know the Tub scene.

    Okay I got to calm down(wiping tears from my eyes).

    Thanks for the reply. capture/conversion process eh? I don't think so......My buddy has the same drive uses Ulead DVD movie factory to produce his home movies into DVD's. Slaps in the AVI and presto A dvd that works no extra encoding, nothing.

    I tried the same thing and Poof it blows up in my face.... now the CD-R too won't even work..... it's a pretty grey external case though I'll try to convince my self that it's worth $500.00.

    sly_61019 - So you think it's the media eh? Maxell and princo suck.....pioneer recommends Princo on their site. But what do you recommend? Sony? Pioneer? I figure why not I've come this far. Another $50.00 won't kill me. Any suggestions are much welcome.

    But how can it be the Media? If a simple CD-R disk can't even work? Mabey it's because I'm on WIN 2000....... mabey Windows XP will solve it? Or a SLEDGE HAMMER?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2003
  5. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Right now im using 4X Memorex -R. Fuji is also good. I had a 25 pack of Princo, and on every single one towards the end of the movie, it said the disc was unreadable ie. crap media. I have the Pioneer just below your and am using windows ME. But if you cant even write a cd, you have problems and i don't know what to tell you, sorry man.
  6. DSYF3R

    DSYF3R Regular member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Is it an IDE drive in a firewire case? if so try it internal, or borrow an interna drive to see if you can burn.. have you tried playing the vob files straight from the HD? if so do they look blocky??
  7. koola

    koola Guest

    Have you checked that it has the correct region code as it will not burn or play if the right region code is installed. Dunno if this will work, but you could use anydvd, then play a dvd. If it does not pixelate, its the region code but if it does its either a hardware confilict with win or the drive itself.

    You also said somthing about "REGION NETWORK NOT SUPORTED" in your last post. Could it be this again? One other reason for choppy playback is the actual DVD media or that some protection hasn't been removed. If it is protection, anydvd will solve that.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2003
  8. ken0042

    ken0042 Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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    OK, I'll take a stab at it........

    How are you capturing the video from the camcorder to the computer?
  9. Fibre

    Fibre Guest

    The next morning..........

    Hey Guys thanks 4 the replies and the effort to save my DVD burner.

    First - Region Code I entered it. It played, but the same as the Stand Alone.

    Second - It's an IDE in a case connected through Firewire. I bought the Firewire card last month it's ADAPTEC Fire Connect 4300.

    Third - How do I capture? I'm using a JVC Mini Dv GR4000RU. I connect it to the Computer Via the FireWire. Open Adobe Premiere. File/Capture/movie capture/. Edit movie Export using Adobe MPEG encoder/ or as an AVI and let either the DVD authorware encode it or run it through TMPGEnc.

    Finaly - I'm going to try different -R media brands. If none work I'll take it out of the case and make it an internal. If that does'nt work I'm picking up a new system next month any way (going XP) I'll put it in there. If that does'nt work Sledge Hammer time.

    oh ya one more thing. I'm only testing to see if the DVD will burn properly. I'm only using 400 MB of MPEG-2 video. not GIGs of Video.

    Thanks for your help.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2003
  10. yuedana

    yuedana Regular member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    400 mb is way too small for a mpeg video file. When I download video from my miniDV camcorder, 1 hour creates a 10 gb file. I use Pinnacle studio 8 DV to create the DVD which then is able to compress 2 hrs to the DVD. It sounds as if your pixelation/blockiness is a problem in the capture/encoding (not the burning) if your files are only 400 mb which would then require that kind of pixelation for that size. You can check the AVI file size to make sure that it is capturing to the right settings.
  11. Fibre

    Fibre Guest

    thank for the reply yuedana

    I should have been clearer. The time of the videos I'm using to test the burner are as follows

    3 min video
    1 min video
    2 min video
    10 sec video

    Together they are about 500 MB. I'm not testing with a 1 hr or 2 hr video. I was just wondering would the small space on a 4.4 GIG disk have anything to do with it. I doubt it I was just wondering.

    I tested just burning a 1 min AVI and letting the DVD authoring program encode it (DVD Architect 1.0). Gave the same crappy result. So I don't think it's an encoding problem.

    DSYF3R - That's a good idea about playing the VOB file. I will try that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2003
  12. rhalvers

    rhalvers Guest

    Fibre, I scanned most of this thread, but I may have missed some key points. This sounds a lot like a problem that I have just discovered. I’m using a Sony microMV ip7 that I bought for my wife a year ago. Small enough to where she can carry it with her to film our two girls. I have a 1394 port on my sound card, SoundBlaster, and one on my Adaptec card that gives me usb 2.0 also. After about a year of filming my wife filled up about 10 film cartridges. We have never viewed the tapes in any length so I wasn’t sure how the camera was performing, but from what I did view looked Okay. I hooked up the camera to the computer and used Studio 8, it has the ability to capture MicroMV natively, captured the videos to the computer to create some DVDs. When I did a play back on the capture the video was saturated with digital artifacts, jerky playback, large squares of video drop out, basically unusable. I rewound the tapes and played them back from the camera to see if it was a problem with the camera, here is the important part, I left the camera connected to the DV port while I replayed the movies. The movies played back just like the capture, unusable. I disconnected the camera and pulled out my extended warranty to return it for repair. I was going to have my wife take it to the store and she wanted me to show her what it was doing for the description of the problem. I turned on the camera on playback and behold it played fine. I reconnected it back to the computer on the DV port and it still played fine I left it running and fired up Studio 8 and WHAM! Scrambled playback. The software that came with the camera, Movie Shaker, does the same thing. It must be the capture codec or the interface driver. I haven’t had time to resolve the problem, in fact that is how I found your posting while doing my research.
  13. #afonic

    #afonic Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Just put the drive alone at the Secondary IDE (your motherboards one), make sure you put the jumpers correct and try it.

    Having the same problems with two burners means that you feck off something when connecting it.

    I have a Pioneer and other friends of mine have DVD writers and they all work fine.

    Something's wrong with that firewire maybe. What I suggest is to remove all extra devices (printers, modems, video-in cards, firewire cards), format your system, install windows XP and try if it works. If it does start installing devices until you find which one does the damage.

    I know it is difficult, but it may be the only way to make your DVD burner work._X_X_X_X_X_[small]Detailed DVD-Rip Guides at
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2003
  14. yuedana

    yuedana Regular member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Be careful because microMV is different from mini DV and studio 8 may not support it. MicroMV is different video compression (That is how they get the tapes so small--there is less data on them) and I am not sure that it is supported by the same miniDV programs like pinnacle studio 8. I would check out the digital camcorder forum to check on those issues as they are completely different than with miniDV.
  15. rhalvers

    rhalvers Guest

    I was wondering if there was a difference, but Studio 8 does support the MocroMV natively. In fact when I attach the camera the DV option goes away and the MicroMV interface becomes the default capture. It also removes all options from the interface such as auto frame detection and a few others. I see that Ulead’s videostudio 7 also supports the microMV http://www.ulead.com/vs/new.htm and is rated very high at dvdrhelp http://www.dvdrhelp.com

  16. DSYF3R

    DSYF3R Regular member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    MicroMV records and encodes directly to mpeg2, a big difference from DV.
  17. rtr32

    rtr32 Member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    I'm seeing the same problem as "rhalvers".
    When using Micromv the pictures are pixilated and jittery.

    This is what I've learned to date:
    1. Sony support says your OS has to be factory installed otherwise the system becomes unstable.
    2. Sony only really guarantees this to work natively with their Vaio series of computers.

    So far I've had no luck making any more progress resolving this issue. I was surprised however, to find someone having the same problem with mini dv instead of micro.

    Thanks, Bob


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