Fekker your the man i need your help, please help me. I bought starbox yesterday cant get any premium channels. I have read your detailed instructions but r somewhat confused as i am a computer virgin. Spent all last night on this forum and i am very confused. Bought the null lead 2day from maplins. Tried to download fix but i dont no how to do it. what does 1 do after going into shareware link what do i have to type. Please be gentle with me as the family has had no tv for 2 nights now while i fart around trying to resolve the problem. Feel as if i am pissing into the wind and i am now drowning in it, please please help r failing that give me the name of a good divorce solicitor, HELP [ + quote]
hi the box you recieved was it allready flashed (did it have an image pre-installed)what network do you have it connected to telewest, ntl ? also have you done a channel scan an automatic one and if so what channels do you get? i will be able to help you if i know what i am helping you with exactly thanks
hi i am on ntl.dont know whwether it was flashed or not. iwas suppose to get the box last friday but didnt get it until monday and tried to connect it then.when i conected the box i scanned it several times because i only got the terrestial channels. as u can see from this response i know nothing.
try pressing the menu button and press the numbers 1570 this should open a secret menu make sure the emu the bottom one in the list is turned to on and this unlcoks the pay channels also on the automatic scan try selecting a different provider eg, telewest as they use the same line as ntl let me know what happens
thanks for your reply. i followed your instructions and turned the emu to on, but unfortuneately this did not give me the premium channels. any other suggestions appreciated