Hey peeps. Rubbish song blah blah blah i know i know, but im looking for the original. I cant find it anywhere :S Theres a "clean" version and a "dirty" version, basically im looking for the uncensored version. But when i go to download it (legally of course ) and i download the songs called "fifty cent - window shopper (dirty version)" its still the clean one! I cant find it anywhere. Just wondering if i could get some advice...dunno if i should be searching for something else or what..
best advice: don't buy rap. it's crap. ^.^ second best advice: go to a music store and purchase the actual album. third best advice: actually acquire it legally; if you're purchasing something marked as something it's not, you have the legal right to press some charges and/or sue. which i'm sure you would have done had you started on legal Net stores.
how hard did you try to find this? not verry i just did a google search and found it, and it took like 2sec, wow that was hard!!! here is the link http://www.juno.co.uk/artists/G+Unit/