I have a friend that asked me about movies downloaded from a site called Vongo.com. I have never downloaded a movie so I couldn't help, but told him I would ask on afterdawn because I knew you guys would know. He says he gets the movie downloaded okay. It plays on his computer. He would like to burn a copy but his burning software does not recognize the file type. What he is wondering is if there is a conversion software that he can use.
ConvertXtoDVD see if this program works for him..... don't know what file type he has but this programs does many file types.
Shardel you might tell your friend to reaf the user agreament on what and what not the user can or can't do as far as puting the download to a disk, it states on the site that you can't do what you are asking to do, but that would be up to that person, because that person dose not own the dvd,
Thank you for letting me know that. I will chew my friend's ear about trying to get me to find out something he shouldn't know. He knows I don't do things like that. I should have checked that site out before I asked. Looks like my yorkie is going to have to move over in that dog house
now i have not tried this but i downloaded a movie from Vongo that would play in windows media player you might try burning it throu there? don't know about the quality thou?