Some times I download programs. When I get these programs they sometimes have no program to operate them. When I try to open them I get the message that (windows can not open this file)-(to open this file windows needs to know what program created it). At this point I'm beyond stumped so could someone give me a simple straight forward answer to send me on the right path to making my downloaded content useable.
That is largely dependant upon what you are downloading. Can you give an example? Your best bet would be to google the extension (the three letters after teh dot) and find out what program(s) that extension is associated with.
This is really new to me and I'm looking for info in other areas. I'm usually downloading the standerd movies and games. But most of the time the files come unspecified. If there is a way to do this in a way that's most easy, please let me know.
Your speaking another language. I don't even know what that is. I'm sorry I'm kind of a point and click type of guy. I don't know much about any of this stuff, and this problem has been really tuff. I'm trying to understand it but it's far far over my head. Basiclly I go to Torrent sites to download my backups rather than burn my own originals. When the files download some of them come ready to burn like (Vido TS, or Decrypter iso). Stuff that's basicly point and Click. But the rest of files, which would be most of them come in a basic file format that has no way I can point to it and do anything. So this leaves me confussed of what to do next. What I need to know is what I could do to take the these files and make them in to something. thanks
So you DONT know what a p2p program is... But you DO know what torrents are? Just sounds odd to me. And as for DLing your backups instead of burning your own? Do you have a crazy highspeed connection? OR do you just not want to learn how too? Your story just doesnt sound to solid to me sorry. And to be absolutly honest. I dont REALLY understand what you were saying... I MIGHT know, but would need like a screenshot of what it says. It sounds to me like you DLed a file that was missing certain files(like what happens alot when someone downloads illegal copies of software/video) and so you cant use it or watch it. SO if ya wouldnt mind showing a screenshot of your problem. That would be cool. And prove to us somehow that your not just DLing software/videos that you dont own... Cause were not supposed to help anyone PIRATE things... Sorry I dont wanna risk getting banned.
Torrent is an example of peer-to-peer file transfer (p2p). It is designed to move data really fast between two computers. Unfortunately, p2p tends to be abused by people who pirate software and digital media and, depending on your source, it's a good way to pick up some really nasty malware. As you might have noticed already, files ending with '.iso' are images of CDs or DVDs ready to be burned to disc. The '.iso' is the file extension for whole disc images, just as '.txt' is teh extension for simple text files that are opened by Notepad by default. As I said before, use the search engine of your choice to find out what programs are associated with the extensions of the files you are downloading and install one of them. Once you do that, then those files should start up the default application when you double click on them.
Dngrsone I did what you said last time. I checked for the extensions on google. No results though. But I do thank you for your help. I will keep trying.
what OS do you have ? they may be compressed files are the extensions like , rar, zip, ace, DL this program, may help. it is a full working 30 day trial