Hey everyone. I've formated PC a week ago and I'm already having some troubles hehe. I decided to install, as I always used to do, Codec Pack Elisoft. But after that, all my files played darkly, with no colour...here's an example: BEFORE: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/3618/clipboard04fc1.jpg AFTER: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4741/clipboard02rj1.jpg I dediced that installing it wasnt good so i uninstalled. After that, my movies played Ok, but those were the only ones. MPEG2 files and some AVI's still played darkly. Now, if i want to see a xvid movie, if i install that codec, again everything looks darker, so, I'm so lost.... is there any way to CLEAN UP all the codec and filters things? :S thanks! I've tried with the tutorial in here, but same problem. cya
Whoa, that's so dark. Look in the settings of whatever program you use to play movies and see if there is a brightness/contrast option that has been fiddled with; otherwise, I'd try and uninstall all the codecs and install different ones.