Final Fantasy 9 movie/show

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by elrabo, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. elrabo

    elrabo Guest

    ok guys, there very few people out in the world you think ff9 is awesome. sure it dosnt have an incredible stary line like ff7 or ff8 but the game it self is amazing. the characters are all soo unique, its filled with adventer, romance, lots of humor, thieves, kingdoms, evil people, twists in the plot, and characters that you could just fall in love with. i say this title "final fantasy" is ment for ff9 because it is the most fantasy based final fantasy ever! like freak there sivilians that are hippos, birds, 4armed, and alot of other crap. plus the game has an ulternate universe that gets discoverd. face it the game is good and brilliant. those of you who hated or disliked ff9 its because you were looking for another ff where the main character is like "hmm im cool" so what do you people think?
  2. NDarkness

    NDarkness Regular member

    Jun 12, 2006
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  3. brokendan

    brokendan Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    wow tht kinda... tht kinda made my head hurt...why is tht in the ds section... and what does tht have to do with a movie o_O

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