Hi. How do I find out what divx / xvid codes I have for a certain avi film? and if I dont have the correct ones how do I go about getting them? I new to all this. Thanks for any help.
Opening your file in G-Spot will show the video and audio codecs needed. The K-Lite codec pack contains it as well as every codec you will need. Just uninstall oher odecs first as they can conflict. Get the Full or Mega. The only difference is players, etc and you can choose which part of the install you wish: http://home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/mirror.htm
Hi. G-Spot says I have the correct divx / xvid codes for my avi film but i'm getting the following error messages:- [22:42:56] AVI2DVD Started ! [22:43:00] Type mode : AVI Input [22:43:00] Output : Dvd [22:43:00] Encoder Selected : HCEnc [22:43:00] Start demuxing the AudioStream No.1 ... [22:43:22] Demuxing of the selected audio finished successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew's\My Documents\My Videos\Green Street Hooligans\Avi2dvd_temp\Extracted_Audio.mp3 78176736 Bytes] [22:43:22] Starts Audio correction ... [22:46:25] Audio Fixed successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew's\My Documents\My Videos\Green Street Hooligans\Avi2dvd_temp\Fixed_Audio01.mp3 78176736 Bytes] [22:46:25] Starts Mp3->Ac3 convertion ... [22:53:48] Audio converted in AC3 successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew's\My Documents\My Videos\Green Street Hooligans\Avi2dvd_temp\AudioStream 1 MP3 2CH.AC3 312705024 Bytes] [22:53:48] Start creating avisynth script ... [22:53:48] Avisynth script created successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew's\My Documents\My Videos\Green Street Hooligans\Avi2dvd_temp\Avisynth_Script_File.avs 236 Bytes] [22:53:50] bitrate used : 5111 Kbpps [22:53:50] Start video encoding ... [22:54:05] Video encoded successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew's\My Documents\My Videos\Green Street Hooligans\Avi2dvd_temp\Encoded_Video.m2v -1 Bytes] [22:54:05] Job NOT Done. There are warnings ... Find at the log file the 0 byte generated file to focus where exactly the problem appears [22:54:05] All Jobs Done !!! Also 'HCenc' is giving me this additional error message:- Error, AVISource: couldn’t locate a decompressor for FourCC XviD. Hope you can help.
I'm not not familar with any of the tools you're using and I don;t understand GSpot saying the proper codec is installed and you receiving an error saying its not. Maybe, the codec has become corrupt and needs to be reinstalled or a longshot if it's just this 1 file- run it through a program like DivFix to remove any errors. I've used it in the past with good results. It's small and free:http://www.divx-digest.com/software/divfix.html
I see that link didn't work. Here it is again, ensure that the option to keep the origonal file is checked; I think it is by default:http://www.divx-digest.com/software/divfix.html Still not, just google DivFix, it's available at Digital Digest.
Haven't solved the problem with avi2dvd yet, but did manage to convert my avi using nero vision express instead. Thanks for your help.