I recently got some .mp3 files and tried to play them and got that message about imporper extension for file type when trying to play in WMPlayer. So I tried renaming them to .wma and it still will not play. how can i find out how these were encoded? or to convert them to .mp3 or .wma? thanks -Strang
changing the extension won't do it, you need an audio converter, to encode. http://www.dbpoweramp.com/
right.. nice program... still says it needs the CODEC to be able to read it.. (not exact context) so i still need to find out what format it is. so i can maybe DL the right codec. to listen or maybe even reencode. thanks for you help Shiroh -Strang
oh, sorry about that, didn't read it carefully. i don't know any audio codec detector, like gspot does for video have you tried on diffferent player, like winamp5 or foobar 2000 ? try, an audio editor, like audacity, or even the one that come with nero. or try loading in virtual dub and see the file information. sorry for not being able to help much.
after all this hunting. a friend tells me they are bogus.. something about madonna putting out all these fakes. hell i dont know. all i wanted was 1 song for my demo reel can't seem to find it anywhere else. thanks for you help -Strang
Hah! Madonna again (she is a smacktard) I have a program here that will tell what codec encoded the MP3. It will even tell if a WAV file is original, or has been reconstructed from an MP3 or other compressed medium. Wish I could give you a link but my memory (and cough)is worse than Herbsman's... ;-}