dont know if there is a firefox thread around.. so im gonna post this problem here. if there is , someone please send em a link anyways back to the problem, to any canadian users, im runinng Bell sympatico Highspeed and Windows XP edited by ddp the problem is thus: my internet will randomly disconnect untill i restart the computer. im not sure if it has to do with my FireFox 2.0, or not, but any help would be appriecited(sp)
actualy.. i;ve now discoverd it dosn't need a brower to shut off... i don't know whats going on. its not my comp, im trying to help out a friend. he said it will just shut off randomly, but still needs a re-start in order to re-enable. i asked him many times for virus' n such.. but he said he scans reguarly with AVG i believe(along with up-to-date deffs.) thanks for your intrest tho !
lol no noooo he Edited what i had posted .. it said something i guess i shouldn't have..but i didn't know ^_^..u know.. illegal stuffs.
I never said that you were stupid, neither did anyone else. Back on topic, do you use a Dial-Up connection by any chance? I've had that problem with a dial-up connection (in fact, I have that problem only with a dial-up connection). If yes, then it's probably a problem with your phone line. That's one of the reasons that I switched over 2 years ago
haha sa'll good was just making a joke about it no dial up Bell Highspeed = DSL i believe... either dial up Btw.. Canadians RULE =D how long before it will change from newbie to somehting else... like what # of posts ?
when i post this, you were already a junior member. Newbie to Junior Member -- 25 posts Junior Member to Member -- 100 posts Member to Senior Member -- 500 posts Senior Member to Addict -- 2500 posts anyone to Moderator -- determination and bribes to admins anyone to Admin -- decent six-figure (euros or dollars, they are not picky) lump sum to AfterDawn's Swiss bank account Also,posts made in the safety valve do not count.