Firefox vs Opera

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by pollution, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. pollution

    pollution Regular member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    Which do you think is better and why?
  2. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    Internet Explorer... because it is ;P
  3. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

  4. pollution

    pollution Regular member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    Lavasoft adware finds adware/spyware when i use IE and Firefox, but not Opera. Opera also is the only that blocks the pop ups from afterdawn.
    I am going to download IE 7 beta now and see how it works.
  5. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    I personally think each browser has it's own charm, and although i wouldn't use IE if my life depended on it, i will give the new version a try when it comes out (because imho even micro$oft deserves a second chance)
  6. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    i use IE because everytime ive used another browser i always end up needing to go back to IE for some reason so i just stick with it now
  7. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I have been using Opera for years and find it hard to go back once you get used to it's features. I use Firefox at work, but whenever I have a choice I use Opera. About a year ago I listed why I prefer it in another thread, but here they are again:

    1) Zoom - Instantly make a web page smaller or larger, selecting 120%, 150%, etc. Great for reading fine print. I find as I get older my eyesight is worse and this instant magnification is my most used feature. IE has text resizing but it is nowhere near as accessible or easy to use as Opera's Zoom

    2) Fit to Window Width - With the click of a button you can resize a web page instantly. Very useful for sites where you have to scroll left and right to read text that won't fit into the width of a single window. With Opera you can fit it in a single page

    3) Go to URL - if a page has a URL that is not linked, for example vs all you have to do in Opera is highlight the URL, right click and select go to URL

    4) Sessions - Accidently close a web page? As long as you haven't closed the browser you can type Ctrl+Alt+Z and be right back where you were, basically an undo function

    5) Mouse gestures - While you can get plugins to do this with Firefox, it is built into Opera. I am so used to this feature that I find it annoying on other browsers when I can't just make a motion with my mouse to reload a page, go back, or many others

    6) Speed - Opera nearly always renders pages faster. There was a topic earlier that was stickied about speeding up Firefox, but Opera has nearly the same function built in and as a default where you have to go to an out of the way about:config page on Firefox to set it up

    7) Lean and Mean - For almost the exact same download size and hard drive footprint as Firefox, Opera has a Mail/Usenet Client, IRC Client, and RSS aggregator built in as well as Mouse Gestures and other features that you have to download additional plugins to use in Firefox.

    8) Author mode - Have you run into a web page where someone used a blue font on a black background and you get eyestrain just trying to read it? Switch to Author mode in Opera and read it in black and white
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2006
  8. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Opera also has auto laoding but the main thing I ahte about opera is it dosent have a normal loading icon so I cnat tell if tis stuck or crashed half the time 0-o

    holly crap ZOOM is good ! when I get soem form of boardband internet back I will try opera full time!

    IE is bad....just bad and fully of holes...Fox fire is good altho ads and pop ups are slowly working thier way on it.
  9. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Firefox if great, download some add ons and its the best browser on earth without competition,find my thread on the site advisor add on in software discusion.

    I do sometimes use opera when firefox doent allow me to see some clips but that about it

    Firefox all the way =)

    and is IE 7 beta any good?
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2006
  10. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Realy tho Firefox is the shiz and more,its like the old Netscape befor AOL made it thier corprate bitch ><

    Man AOL owens ICQ and Winamp and Netscape,after that frist year AOL had netscape I gave up on it and went back to IE....was useing IE untill firefox IE is evil and a pain altho it locked up and crashed less than aols netscape did,I havent realy used ICQ sicne AOL took over went to trillain and didnt look back,winamp dosent seem to be fked up to badly tho....
  11. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Well, after looking at Xian's comments, I checked out Opera, and can say that it's a pretty solid browser. It's a very good idea to have a session open up again that you may have exited from at an earlier time when you open it up.

    But, I have a few problems with it.
    First of all, just about every site I went to, I got a popup. I've never even got a popup since I've used Firefox, and using the Adblock and Adblock Filterset.G Updater combo, the possibility of getting any ads is slim to none.

    Also, it's not as expandable as Firefox. Sure, you do need a few tweaks to speed it up, but after that, or using Fasterfox, you really don't need to worry about that.

    There are a few things Opera can do over Firefox, but most of them aren't really that much more impressive, plus the original skin looks too flashy to me. Everything in Firefox looks a lot easier for me to read.

    And finally, there are a lot of things Firefox can do moreso than Opera. In Opera, you need to add an ActiveX plugin to view pages that need it (like the Windows pages), but in Firefox you can add an extension like IE Tab that can automatically open a new tab in Firefox that uses IE. I can also add Session Saver to keep a backup session in case Firefox doesn't close properly and you have to abruptly end the process.

    So, even though Firefox doesn't have IRC or Usenet automatically, I still prefer it over Opera. Also, I wouldn't even touch IE. I would try using IE7, but, due to some inconviniences, I can't install it.
  12. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Opera is not perfect could have more default popup and add blockers and such but,FF is near perfect to me add a ZOOM feature and auto load feature and there would be no need for opera *L*
  13. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Yes Firefox is a great browser,keeps you'll surf much safer than IE users and if you use the extensions corectly then you'll have the perfect browser.

    copy and paste this in your adress bar if it doesnt apear blue.

    faster fox, add block and site advisor are essentials..also no scipt is good.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
  14. pollution

    pollution Regular member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    After using IE 7 beta for a couple days it does show improvement over the last IE. The only advantage I see with IE 7 beta over Opera is that it has a create pdf file from that webpage clearly shown at all times while surfing the net. I still use Opere, its wand is so wonderful for remembering passwords. IE 7 beta has better security in microsofts standpoint.
    I am still running Opera. I have used all 4, IE 6 the longest, Firefox, Opera, and IE 7 beta and Opera is still the favorite.
    I believe Opera is the only one that has a bit torrent configured into there browser.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  15. bappyjaro

    bappyjaro Member

    Feb 6, 2006
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    the main aim with firefox is that you download basic browser software and only install the plugins you need/want, thus allowing users to customising it to how they want.

    I hope they keep it this way and wish more software was the same. people who want all singing dancing gadgetry like weather, count down clock etc(which slows stuff down) can, and people who want simplicity/functionality can also.

    Not only is there a huge list of plugins and skins (more than u need), you can make your own.

    And as far as irc there's chatzilla!!

    yep i like firefox. I use thunderbird for email as well.

    ie runs as part of windows, if it fails/crashes in the way hackers tell it to, the world can access your pc (ok a bit over the top)!
    open source is great, share with the people and they give back. Hide in an electrified fenced off, bolted, steel doored lab in redmond and the people will ... oh yeah buy lots of ms stuff, lol
  16. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Well, I was asked if Firefox had a Zoom page feature and a auto-load feature, they would use Firefox, so here they are:

    I don't know if this is what you meant by the page Zoomer, but it can go up to 1000% for the Zoom, and also has a color sampler so you can save a color from a webpage and save it to favorites. After you install it and restart Firefox, just right-click on a page, then go to where it says ColorZilla.

    This allows you to save your most current window to be loaded up after you close the browser. Even better, this version comes with the ability to merge windows into a single window with tabs to save space, and a feature called SnapBackTab, which allows you to re-open tabs or windows you just visted in case you need to go back to them.

    You were the one that brought this up, so I just wanted to know if these two would make up for the lack-thereof these two features in Firefox.

    The only things I haven't found for Firefox that Xian mentioned are the Fit to Window Width option, the Go to URL option, or the Author Mode option.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006

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