hey u guys my prob is when i download the latest firmware for my NEC ND-3500AG it say it cant find the drive but its there. please help
Go here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1904 it's 2.1A, just click on 2.1A and download it, once it's completed, do the below steps: <> make sure not cd or dvd inside your burner <> click on the 2.1A firmware zip file to run <> let it run and does its thing <> it may or may not ask you to reboot/restart your computer <> that's it......
What says "drive not found" dvd shrink? dvd decrypter? If it's dvd decrypter, then you need to change the I/O settings... and maybe install wnaspi32.dll into your windows/system32 folder. Will explain more when you explain the problem more.
um it says that when i tried 2 upgrade the firmware but prob fixed. my prob now is dvd decrypter comes up with burnin errors with imation media somethin bout semaphore timeout period has expired
It looks like your drive is just not liking that imation media, try switching to another brand, my personal favorite is Verbatim.
Ok, glad you got the firmware sorted... sorry I didn't understand you before, never seen that error. Try different media.. imation is very poor quality media anyway and there's more chance of having bad burns on those.. get some taiyo yuden, verbatim or ritek (g04 or g05 dye only) and try it again. Try checking if your DMA is enabled and that your I/O settings are set to ASPI - WNASPI32.DLL in dvd decrypter... if it won't work then you need to download that file from here http://www.nero.com/en/WNASPI32.DLL.html and put it into your windows/system32 folder... then restart the computer and try again. I've never seen that error before, but googled it and this is what I got http://seer.support.veritas.com/docs/190598.htm and http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/86471 Alkohol should be able to help you more with this I should think... I don't ever have any error messages so can only go on experience of reading others posts of their problems.
i closed the other thread, pls don't spread problems across threads. as to Imation (ugh), see this well worn link from my sig - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/232406
soz creaky wont happen again. my probs fixed it wasent firmware or drive or even media or the programs IT was microsoft service pack 2!!!!!!!!!! thanx 4 all the help guys preceate it
oh while i am here i wanted 2 ask how to get the lacie device up dater workin.it just stays like this the whole time. http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=y5eyhey9da.png BTW using NEC/Lacie ND-3500AG
I've finally understood what you meant now... I knew I recognised the name "LACIE" before, but couldn't place it, LOL... it is the name of the enclosure, NOT the dvd writer... For future reference it would be helpful if you told people that it's a dvd writer in an enclosure running off USB2 or firewire... it makes a big difference to stuff like flashing the drive, because as far as I know you can't do that with enclosure drives.. in all the documentation about flashing drives it always says to set them as slave drive on IDE channel 1 or something.. obviously can't do that with an enclosure. I've no idea how you update that drive, sorry.
Possibly a USB2/firewire problem then?... I can't understand why people don't update their computers programs etc? Glad you got it sorted in the end
i'm having the same problem with my nec3500ag that shivang had the start of this thread i downloaded 2.1a. when i go to run the firmware update it says device not found correctly. i was wondering how he fixed this problem. thanks
hey merl66 i dont really no how i did it but ill try 2 help. firstly where did u download the firmware.secondly is ur drive givein any comunication errors.thirdly is ur drived flashed. these link seem to be fine try these- http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware/3500.html http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/3500/
Is your drive in an external housing/caddy? if so then you either have to take it out of the caddy and connect it to the IDE cable in your computer to update the firmware or find a flash/updating program for the caddy... it usually says all this in the instructions that come in a text file with the firmware update, that it need to be on an IDE cable to update. Check with the manufacturer of the caddy if it came as a complete unit.. or if you made the extrenal drive yourself by putting a dvd writer in a caddy then take it out and update the firmware by IDE cable as per instructions.