After my last thread about burning problem with newer DVD's i looked at some old threads and alot of comment about updating firmware. I downloaded which is the DVD burner i own and now when i try to burn a DVD i get an Media Error on E:\ . It seems to have messed it up more than it helped. I tried downloading KS0B - patched - crossflashing (for 1673S, etc.) KS0B - patched - crossflashing - fast burn FBD/FBDX (for 1673S, etc.) KC4B - patched - improved +/-R burn quality (for 1673S, 1693S, Sony 800A, etc.) And everything went fine. I rebooted the system and still get media errors on DVD drive. Can someone please help me fix this problem. Cause now i cant even burn any movies. Thanks
Disregard this thread. I dont know what happened but today it seems to work. And i finally got Condemned up and working by just using DVDFAB. Wooohooo. Thanks for everyones input on this. You guys kick ass!!