i am having difficulty running a firmware update for my dvd drive. the drive is a NEC ND-6500A that came with my dell laptop. i am trying to update to 203D. i downloaded the zip file from http://tdb.rpc1.org/#ND6500A and unzipped the files: 6500FAST.BIN 6500ORIG.BIN 6500RPC1.BIN NEC6X00A.EXE README.TXT i ran the .exe which flashes a DOS window so quickly i can't see what is actually happening there. i then tried burning a dvd with nero, and the log still indicates 202c firmware, not 203D. i have no idea what most of the text in the README.TXT file means. here's what it says... NEC ND-6500A 203D RPC1 and Rip Speed Firmware Included files README.TXT This file NEC6X00A.EXE ND-6x00A series DOS Flasher 6500ORIG.BIN Original binary as supplied 6500FAST.BIN 6100@6500 and Rip Lock Patches 6500RPC1.BIN RPC1, 6100@6500 and Rip Lock Patches 6100@6500 allows the firmware to work on a 6100A drive if you have one. Rip Lock removes the speed locks on single and dual layer DVD-ROM discs with a VIDEO_TS directory. RPC1 removes region state handling commands and checks. -------------------------- An RPC1 firmware defeats the internal counters within the drive and removes region enforcement. This only is HALF of the equation. You need to use DVD Genie or similar software to control your player software. http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?t=239 Flashing these firmwares requires some risk on your part. If you are not comfortable with this please do not proceed. We cannot guarantee they will work or flash correctly in any environment out of our control. The flash process requires Real DOS, a DOS box under Windows is not suitable. The syntax for the flasher, assuming a Secondary Master is nec6x00a -sec -mas -flash 6500xxxx.BIN Make a backup of your current ROM first nec6x00a -sec -mas -out BACKUP.BIN any info that anyone can offer would be very appreciated! is there more i should be doing to update the firmware? thanks in advance for any help and info!
Here is a link to flash your drive using Liggy and Dee's modified firmware for the 6500A...it may not require DOS to flash your drive. http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware/index.html
LOCOENG, thanks for the reply! unfortunately, i have no idea what to do with the info on that link. ????? can anyone provide some guidance here? thanks!
@BoxOfEyes Here's direct dl: http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware/6500/NECND65_V203D.zip This is for the original. For the modified one - which may not require the dos: http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware/6500/203d_rpc1.zip Otherwise with the link LOCOENG provided you just click on your drive's model on the right hand side and find the most current version.