firmware? what?

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by hawwy1987, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. hawwy1987

    hawwy1987 Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hey im new to all this PS2 burning stuff and i see that i may need a update for my dvd writer. i see in a few threads that they use firmware but i am unsure about it. it says somewhere on here that it can damage your drivers so i want to be extra careful about finding and using it. what do i need to download. i have a HP Pavillion and havent modded it at all.
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    An optical drive is as you know a burner or a simple ROM drive. To operate this devise, your O/S needs a DRIVER as the middle man to enable correct operation. The FIRMWARE is however different. Firmware is actually how the devise operates. When the optical drive is manufactured, the FIRMWARE has parameters that guide it to what type of media it READS and WRITES to. When newer media appears on the market for example: Faster burning speeds etc, then the FIRMWARE may not recognise or keep up with the newer stuff.

    Most manufacturers have firmware updates on their sites to enable various changes in technology. Only update your firmware when neccessary and not as a neccessity. Firstly, only use top quality media. At least your drive should see it(depending on age). Second, burn at 4X, 6X or 8X max for best results.

    When it comes to PS2 backups, there are almost countless threads on the subject. Try HERE for a starting point.
  3. hawwy1987

    hawwy1987 Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Thanks for the help. :)

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