This is going to be the first sytem that I am attempting to build. I have a decent budget but not willing to go crazy on the parts. I have mostly been looking on newegg and tiger direct for parts. It's going to be an Intel SLI build and these are the parts I am looking at, if you have any ideas please let me know. Heres the list. Mobo - CPU - Video Cards - 2x RAM - (not sure if i want to go 8GB with this ram) HDD (boot) - PSU - Not entirely sure on how much wattage I need, was thinking in the 650-850 range. Case - That's pretty much the basics I was looking at. I don't know how additonal HDD's I am going to because I have about 2 TB with external (deployed right now LOTS and LOTS of movies). The case is another thing I am iffy on. I don't know how big the video cards are and I want some extra room just to be sure inside. I also want to OC the system and need to be sure on cooling and so I don't burn my system up. Any suggestions would be appreciated and thanks for reading.
Motherboard: Good (nvidia chipsets are somewhat flawed, so no SLI board gets 'excellent') CPU: Excellent RAM: Out of stock. Get this instead GPUs: The 9600GTs scale well in SLI, but their performance is somewhat mediocre in games that don't support SLI, so you should be aware of that. HDD: Not a good idea. Despite the reviews, these drives are proving unreliable. Just get something like five of these: PSU: Go with this: Case: The build quality of Aspire cases doesn't impress me, and their PSUs are certainly crap. Don't waste your money on a case that comes with a useless PSU, get the PSU I mentioned and this case:
i would get an x38 board instead of a 780i and use a single higher end card instead of two lower end cards. and you wont need 8gb of ram unless you game and do heavy photoshop work with the pagefile turned off. but ddr2 is so cheap that if you feel like spending a little extra then go a head and get it just be sure to use a 64bit os. gigabyte x 38 9800gtx
Indeed. I didn't realise the 8800GTX hadn't dropped in price in the US like it has in the UK, that's why I recommend it.
right now a 8800gtx is $340 before rebate and that is $20 less than two 9600gt's in sli, and the 9800gtx is $10 less than the 8800 for some stupid reason.
actually the GTX at £176 xD some good prices. you want SLI, but will you be gaming at above 1920x1200, if not one 8800GTX will cover EVERYTHIGN bar crysis.
stupid overpriced delivery xD then inc del, i doubt the SLI 9600GTs are £200 nor the 9800GTX £205 deliverd
Unfortunately no. The 9600GTs were on a special offer somewhere that meant they were, but the 9800GTX is £210 delivered, and the 9600GT pair £208.
still superb prices but i would save the £20 and get he 8800GTX. or save another £20 and get the 8800GTS512 and OC to 9800GTX speeds. from the reviews i ahev seen the 9800GTX are soem mental OCers and have a very quiet cooler. (btu they are still not worth the price over the 8800GTS (£50)
The 9800GTX is actually really noisy compared to the other 8800s, but it does overclock well. For simplicity's sake it's cost effective to get a 9800, but if you can squeeze to 8800GTs in SLI or 3870s in crossfire, then you're laughing.
yeah it is more conveniant. really, louder? from the 5-6 reviews i have read, they say its quieter at load (not idle) than the GTS
the reviews I read say it's louder, which makes sense seeing as it uses more power and has the same cooler.
the3y said it had a differnt cooler, and a bigger Heatsink. lemmie post it up
It has a slightly more rounded back, but it's still the same cooler. Remember the new 8800GTS has a different cooler to the old one: New GTS: Old GTS: