Fitting a large amount of video on 1 CD -- DivX? Xicd? MPEG-4?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by gothor, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. gothor

    gothor Guest


    I'd like to start backing up video onto CDs, rather than DVDs, but most of the guides out there are geared towards DVD->CD conversions. I don't *have* a Video_TS folder, what I have is 3.3 gigs of video (.mpeg files), over three hours of a monster movie marathon I captured. And I'd like to fit it on CD.

    I have a new Philips DVP642, which can play DivX and MPEG-4 and "everything you can throw at it". What I'd like to know is, are there any freeware utilities that can compress the hell out of a file?

    Quality isn't a concern, I'm gonna be watching these on TV anyway, and as they say, Low Resolution Monitors Heals All Artifacts. I know I could make a bunch of VCDs or SVCDs, but since I have the DVP642, which can read any DivX or MPEG-4 file, I figure I might be able to use one of those newer compression routines to fit everything on one disc.

    So, am I crazy?
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

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  3. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    A conversion DVD movie --> .AVI is very good, and DivX is the best codec to do so losing very few movie quality. The only problem is that a PC will read it, but a DVD player won't (a few of them read DivX, but I don't know which ones).
    But there's a VCD/SVCD forum ( Post there, please.
  4. gothor

    gothor Guest

    Thanks, but I don't want to make a VCD. I want to encode three hours of footage onto a CD (suffering a HUGE quality loss, of course) and then burn the DivX/MPEG-4 file directly onto a CD-R, 'cause my player can read those. :)

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