On the VCD there is a folder 'MPEGAV', inside there is a .DAT file. Copy the file to the hard disk. Nerovision 4, elect to make a DVD > DVD Video > Add Video Files. Select the .DAT files to fill the DVD to capacity. at the bottom of the panel is a 'More' button.Go to 'Default Video Options' to select or ensure that your disk will be in NTSC or PAL, according to your country. A menu item will be generated for each .DAT then burn at 4x on Verbatim. The .DAT files are MPEG1 video files.If they were decent quality then you won't lose too much in the conversion.
Yep, worked perfectly. Now I have four movies on one DVD disk, and it works on a standalone. It really saves me a lot of hard drive space. Thank you so much.