Hi all can anyone help me i have read some threads with no luck to me...I'm trying to burn a img file to DL it burns it right to the end and when it comes to closing disc i get the fixation error...any help would be great Thanks
Also to mention i am using imgburn the only software that see's the file its a 6.7 gig wmv file im new to burn these files not burnt one yet......
LoL also to mention i have a sony DVD RW DW-G120A ATA DEVICE and i have GIGATAIN DVD+R DL DISC'S hope it's enough info you will need.. Thanks again
if you want to watch it on a dvd player(that doesn't support divx) then you have to convert that file to make dvd-compliant files(vob,ifo,bup)... there are tons of programs that will do this...some popular ones are ConvertXtoDVD or nero vision. not sure who makes these discs but Verbs are the best DL media out there, your problem most likely is these discs(make sure your firmware is up to date though)
firmware is up to date and dvd player plays divx i need to try get hold of some verb's disc can you recommend a good programe to record wmv files to dl disc...as some of them is not getting reconized buy the software i have tried....nero picked 1 of them up even though they suppose to be the same format but as i said before closing disc it cant do that... Thanks for the reply..
IMGburn is one of the best burning programs for DL burning, so your all set there...also its not the burning program thats needs to recognize them its the drive and its firmware that does the recognizing meaning its responsible for the write strategies for the media, so if you burner has the current firmware then best thing to do is pick up some verb DLs.