basiclly the yellow and white output plugs on the back of my vcr stopped working. they went from perfect, to fading in and out, to where i had to wiggle the cable until i got a picture, to nothing. now i have yellow and white going in, but i have regular(don't know what those round siver type plugs are called)going out. anyone know how to fix it.
I don't know. VCR's are out. I would suggest get a new one or get a DVD player and covert VHS tapes to DVD.
I have a dvd player. but i really have a huge collection of tapes that i have recored over my life. i just not one of those people that throws out old tech every 5 years because it is "out". and i just like my vcr, and my tapes, and i wold like to keep using it and my dvd player. i had my vcr open the other day to clean the heads on it, and i didn't even think to look at that part to see if it was somthing simple. so i decided to ask on here to see if it is somthing easy to replace or fix before i open it again.
Well, the easiest thing to do is get the vcr replaced. It seems like you did everything to do to fix the problem. Have you tried another set of A/V cords?
thanks for your help. i found the problem. where the box that the cords connect to connects the circut board, the solders had broke. i already fixed it and it's working fine again.