I've got some DivX files which have some few errors, pretty damn annoying! I like my films to be perfect. So I tried fixing them with the result of the movies were totally screwed up. When I run them it seems like the picture is drawn out on the whole screen. That's when I use DivFix and AviFixed, How come? Good thing I backed up the films. I then tried DivX Repair and it didn't screw up the file but nor did it heal the bad frames. Which tool is good for fixing bad frames in DivX files?? And how come on some filoms it seems as the bad frames cannot be detected by the tools but only when watching the movies??
Video fixing is not 100%, but you could try again with Video Fixer (very effective, but not a free program): http://www.video-fixer.com/ Backup before fixing, tho'. The last resort would be to cut off the corrupted parts with a video editing program.
Have tried Video Fixer, did not work it told thatit could fix the frame but it didn't, Is it possible that the frame is so messed up that it's impossible to fix?