Fixing xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by chunk22, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. chunk22

    chunk22 Guest

    Alright, I softmodded my xbox with the program softmodd installer deluxe and I completely deleted my dash. It used to play games, until I unplugged it and I unplugged it b4 and it didn't do that, but does anybody know an actual way to fix it? I tried the disk, loading games, hacking it with my computer, everything!!!! and I deleted my saves on the xbox when I still had the modded dash, so I can't reload the game through spinter cell, even though it don't even play games now. But what I REALLY WANT TO KNOW IS...... is there a way I can get my gamesaves off of the xbox through my computer??????? I have a hole bunch of custom cars I did in forza ( visit to see pics) and I REALLY WANT THEM BACK BADLY! I would greatly appriciate it if anyone knows a way for me to get my gamessaves off the harddrive.
  2. xXkNiGhTs

    xXkNiGhTs Guest

    If you have Flash FXP then go into E folder and then go to UDATA and all folders come up somewhere in there are your gamessaves for FORZA because i cant load up MS Dashboard and i need help with that because i was installing UDE and it siad it couldnt find MS Dashboard so i tired to uninstall it and all that still aint happening so if anybody could help me woth that i would be very happy becuase i think i did my backup wrong.

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