Hi there ive recently bought a ds lite and am now looking at flash carts! I wanted some advice from all you knowledgeable folks. Now im looking at a flash cart that will allow me to play my backed up games. Im looking for - something that has alot of space so i can store a large number of backups - Is very good for compatibility - Havent really though about price but am open to anything at the mooment - User friendly- as in i can load stuff onto it and just play wihtout having to go around in circles Any ideas? Im still new at this so correct me if ive mentioned something wrong! Thanks alot for the advice guys Appreciate it!
hey Mary, thanks for the link, ive read up on all the card reviews and am leaning towards the supercard ds one v3! judging by the reviews there its the best one avaliable at the moment. Anybody had any experience with this card or have any better recommendations? Thanks
Seriously, if you sit here waiting for someone to "convince" you to pick one card over the other you will be waiting a long time, since we all have our favorites. At some point you need to take some responsibility and make a decision based on the resources available. My .02 on this is that if you want to at some time connect your DS to a Wii (there are only 2 games that currently support this) you need to make your selection carefully since there are only a few that support this functionality. G6Real (verified for sure) and CycloDS (haven't verified, only heard) are among the few that support this functionality.