Hey all, Recently I have been unable to get into Flash based websites. I went to the Adobe site and re-installed version 9, but the same issue keeps occuring...the websites tell me that I need to install Flash. I have tried the following: 1. Rebooted...duh 2. Reset all Explorer 7 defaults under options 3. Installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled Flash 9 Please help or maybe point me in the right direction. Thanks!!
I have been battling with MSN support over this very issue for the past 3 months. It boils down to a update for IE6 that has either corrupted or locked out the use of Flash. Trust me when I say, I have gone thru every avenue you could possibly try, every suggestion MSN/Adobe has thrown my way....and I'll even post here the final letter from their attempt to help. Maybe something in there will help you. (Keep in mind that MSN blames the Flash, and Adobe blames MSN - so there's really no help from either company)
Just so everyone reading this knows.....this does NOT affect Flash in any other browser...... Only Internet Explorer.
Thanks my friend. On a hunch, I went back to Adobe and downloaded version 8 that they have archived on their site: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_14266 There were 2 versions in the zipped file. I ran the flashplayer8r22_win.exe I'm not sure what the deal was, but when I re-installed this version, all the problems went away...leads me to believe MS and Adobe are having some compatibility issues. I'm not going to press my luck w/ any other versions for the time being. Maybe you could download IE 7 and Flash 8 to get things going again??? Hope this works for you too. PS Don't you love it when you answer your own question...lol
Going to give that a run myself.....Thanks! If it works as well, I'll post your findings on the other sites where people are asking the same thing.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I uninstalled Flash 9 in Safe Mode, reinstalled, but still no Flash in IE.
!!!!!!!FIXED!!!!!!!! Ok, Thanks goes to rpeter381 @ the Guru3D forums for finding this...it's the new beta version of the Flash ActiveX control version 9.0.2. I installed and tested it, Flash now works in IE 7, and the MSN Video sites. http://filehippo.com/download_flashplayer_ie/?1244