I have my xbox connected to my PC with a crossover cable. My comp shows a connection between the box and the comp at 100mb/s at the botttom right but when I try to connect in FlashFXP it shows a connection failed. I even tried to manually set my IP address in my comp and still wont work in FlashFXP. If anyone knows a solution that would be great.
post up the settings in the xbox and for your NIC card first since you didnt give much info. the problem could be in your settings.
Xbox Settings: Type Static IP Line Status 100/Full Duplex Setup Network Yes Use Static IP Yes IP SubnetMask Default G FTP Enable Yes Password xbox RDTools Enable Yes Name EvoX Computer Settings: IP address: Subnet Mask Default G FlashFXP address used: Name: xbox pass: xbox "use passive mode" unchecked
the problem is that your xbox's static ip is the same as your pc's. use a different static ip for you xbox and try to ftp into that new one (eg. peace seamonkey420
ok I tried that but the "connection failed(connection timed out)" message comes on. Do u think its my name and password that is wrong? Name:xbox Pass:xbox
nope thats fine. what happens if you try to ping your xbox from your pc? does your xbox show that there is a network setup in the evolution x dashboard settings screen? -i assume it does.. oh yea, when you changed the ip in your xbox, your tyring to ftp into that ip not your pc's correct (sorry, its a silly ?). i'd check your pc settings too, do you tcp/ip setup? Try this to see if it does anything, power on your xbox first, then power up your pc and try to connect to it.. oh yea, be sure you do have a true PC crossover cable not the system link cable peace seamonkey420_X_X_X_X_X_[small]'knowledge is power, spread the power' -Athlon XP 2000+, 740MB DDR-SDRAM,HP DVD200i DVD+R/+RW, 100GB and 60GB WD HD -XBOX w/Matrix mod chip and 60GB HDD http://www.geocities.com/daseamonkey420 or http://www.geocities.com/seamonkeyguides[/small]
neonbox12, in your PC settings, change the Default Gateway to as well as in the xbox setting. this should cure it since i had the same prob at one time._X_X_X_X_X_[small]AMD XP 2100+ ABIT KR7A m/b ATI 8500LE 128MB DDR video card 512MB DDR Ram Seagate (2)60GB Lite-On 48x12x40 CD-R/W drive Pioneer A05[/small]
I dunno y my xbox wont connect with the crossover cable and I know its a crossover cable. I am just gonna buy a router for the time being because I was able to connect to FlashFXP through my friends router b4. If u guys know any other solution for the crossover cable please post it thanks.
Same problem here, my specs for Xbox IP: subnet mask: default gateway: My comps specs IP: subnet mask: default gateway: so same delema, It always times out won't connect PLease Help! thanks!
here is were my source is: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/42082 now to answer you problem: 5. you'll now need a PC with a network card with RJ45 slot, similar to that of xbox and plug each end of RJ45 Cable to the ends of xbox and the PC.your Pc should detect that its been installed and show an activity. 6. set up your network connection of local area connection and go to properties to find a option called TCP/IP and enter the properties to edit the settings required to communicate to your xbox. 7. once you set the IP manually on the Pc then go to the xbox and in the settings, do manual settings of the gateway address to match the IP of the PC ALSO make sure that both xbox and PC dont hav the same IP address. 8. enter a FTP program on you PC and type the IP address of that of xbox, set the user name and passord to xbox and leave port at 21 and connect. here is a example of my PC settings on my network card, local area connection: IP Address: Subnet: Gateway: (my gateway is blank). on my xbox: IP address: subnet: gateway: (my xbox gateway matches that of my PC IP address) to connect to your xbox without a FTP manager: in internet explorer type (replace that is similar): ftp://xbox:xbox@ ftp://userassword@IP address of xbox
hmm... didn't work still says: Connection failed (Connection timed out) or Connection failed (No route to Host) I did all that u said but still the same problem
5. you'll now need a PC with a network card with RJ45 slot, similar to that of xbox and plug each end of RJ45 Cable to the ends of xbox and the PC.your Pc should detect that its been installed and show an activity. I think that step is my problem, how can I tell if I have an RJ45 slot, and my comp does not show activity or even acnowledge the Xbox thanks for all ur help so far!
Alright this is what i have done with like 10 xboxes and it worked the first time.. plug in the crossover cable to your networking card and the other end to the box.. install the evox dash, go in and set the static ip to yes and turn off all the IGR.. reboot and it should come up with the ip mine on all of them was like this has worked everytime..
Alright. I finally got it. I just ran the Network Wizard and used the IP that the comp gave me for my xbox. Thanks.
I'll try what neonbox did but it would be helpfull if he exsplained it a bit better, I went on another chat and some kid solved his problem the same way but I can't even ping my xbox so I don't know if it will work or even what to do