I am using flashfxp to connect to my xbox (trying to) Im using dhcp and have comcast broadband service. when using flashfxp to connect to my xbox I can connect to the xbox, but when flashfxp tries to open files I get Data connection closed. What the hell am I doing wrong please help if you can.
I have a comcast broadband modem, and a wireless access point with 4 ports. I connect the xbox to the wireless access point in one of the free ports.
did you type in the Xbox IP adress correctly??? and remember the the username is "xbox" and so is the password.
yes I have, I have even tried a cross-over cable, which mean I have try the static ip route. I can ping the xbox fine its when I try to open for files. like using the ls command I get shut down.
well i really cant help you then b.c i dont know much about FTPing to a XBOX i jus typed in the IP address of mine and it showed up...
Download FlashFXP and use that to connect to your xbox! If you are using DHCP then dont worry about changing to a static ip address. Also use a normal cat 5 cable not a crossover cable. Boot your xbox and make sure both network lights are on(the xbox and your access point) and get the ip address from the settings menu item in evox. If you still can't connect at least flashFXP will tell you what the error is.
Hey guyz I have tried this and this is what I get WinSock 2.0 Connecting to XBOX Connected to XBOX -> IP= PORT=21 220 Please enter your login name now. USER xbox 331 Password required for xbox. PASS (hidden) 230 User xbox logged in , proceed. SYST 215 UNIX Type: L8 REST 100 502 rest is not implemented. This site may not allow file resuming PWD 257 "/" is current directory TYPE A 200 Type set to ASCII. PASV 502 pasv is not implemented. PORT 192,168,2,2,4,67 425 Can't open data connection to
Found this on another site, try it. "First, open FlashFXP and check out this: Click FTP Click Quick Connect See the tabs in the new window? Find the one that says Toggles. In that tab, make sure the first 5 blocks have green squares in them. Not checks, SQUARES!! Especially the one that says Use Passive Mode." http://www.xboxgear.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=449 -credit:tarheelsnipe
This is the way I FTP/w crossover cable. First go to networksettings and diable it. Then right click on it and go to properties. Select internet protocol. I set my computer IP, my SN the same and DG Go to your boxplorer and set the static IP for yes and xbox IP at192.168.0.6 and the DG the same as the computer. Don't forget to save and exit on your settings. the xbox won't set those settings until you turn the power off and on again. I use leech ftp and it works just fine. Just type in the IP for your xbox in your ftp program and it should work. (oh yeah, don't forget to write down your original IP and DG of your xbox if you like xbox live Chameleon chip m7 bios ,evox dash xbox live able plenty O games on harddrive _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ExtraManish-Ghetto Chameleon Master[/small]