I have version 2.57 on my Starview at the moment, but it freezes all the time and I'm told that version 4.00 fixes this problem. But the box I have is a clone, and I'm wondering if I flash it with version 4.00 will it download properly to the clone box? Or will it render the box unusable? Cheers
Me and my friends have 3 clone boxes together with software 4.00 on it.They have been working since the last few months.I Flashed them with version 3.00 and with 2.57 fixed.Then again back to version 4.00.Still alive.Does some had a box wich died with version 4.00 on a clone box??
Your safest bet if you want to keep your box is to put the v2.57eu fixed on it it is available to download at the eko site at the bottom of my post ok
hi,im looking for help. my computer crashed last week losing everything.got it fixed but the port for the rs232 changed.i found an adaptor on iwantabox. its a usb 2 serial cable.will it work?
This is the one you will need make sure it is the correct one Usb Adapter http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=29968&DOY=17m6&tabs=n
Just make sure it is the correct one or you will have problems and you will have to bring it back and change it