GREEN/RED Flashing: Probably a bad chip or bad image. SOLID GREEN/No EJECT/No AUDIO/No VIDEO: Probably a bad solder point. Check all your points again. It could also be a heat problem , make sure your fan is connected and don't put your xbox near heat sources. You can also try to open the top of the xbox and check if it goes better. SOLID GREEN/No AUDIO/No VIDEO: This is probably a problems with your audio settings. Try to boot your xbox with a standard a/v pack instead of a HD pack. ORANGE/GREEN Flashing: No AUDIO/VIDEO (A/V) pack. This may also be down to a solder splash on the board or a damaged track. ORANGE Flashing: This may also be down to a solder splash on the board or a damaged track. May also be due overheating. GREEN for half a sec then RED Flashing: Bad/Corrupted or Empty Eeprom. SOLID RED: System overheated , hardware failure , ... FLASHING RED: Dead, broken or empty eeprom. Description: When you attempt to boot, a 'you need service' message comes up, and has a LED style number on thetop left hand corner. Here is what they mean. Disclaimer: This information is a believed to be correct, should be as close as it gets; Also: Bootloader stuff you should never see, since if it fails kernel doesn't boot. (thus you see no message) Code Who sets it - Description 0 - any - No error (duh) 1 - bootldr - Unknown exactly, something to do with checking the motherboard 2 - bootldr - Eeprom check failed 3 - bootldr - ??/not used 4 - bootldr - Ram check failed 5 - kernel - HDD not locked (retail bioses require the hd to be locked) 6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD 7 - kernel - HDD timeout 8 - kernel - No HDD found 9 - kernel - HDD parameters (PIO/DMA/or size {debug}, certain size minimum is required for debug) 10 - kernel - DVD timeout 11 - kernel - No DVD Founnd 12 - kernel - DVD parameters (PIO/DMA) 13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed. 14 - dashboard - Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error) 15 - - ??/not used 16 - dashboard - Other files to do with dashboard / dashboard settings (specific dashboard error) 17 - - ??/not used 18 - - ??/not used 19 - - ??/not used 20 - kernel - The dashboard was attempted to load and failed; It was a cold boot, and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed, but it (for some reason) needed to be noted that the dvd passed the challenge/response authentication 21 - anywhere - This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag In closing: 21 was the highest number I could find, I dont think anything is past that. And for the unknown ones, I couldn't find any reference to them at all, I don't believe they are used.