flashing problem...please help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by dja12, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. dja12

    dja12 Guest

    I have burned the bio m8 (evox), x3249 and others however my xbox reads no flash bios update available...Halting.

    I know that means I did not put the bios in correctly, however according to xbox scene I did it perfeclty correct. Is there something I need to do first before flashing that info.

    Are there certain bios I need to flash to the X3 first. Maybe flashbios 3.0.1 becasue that is what it says on the x3 screne when loaded.

    Any help would be great
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    yo only need to flash your bios if you have a hard mod
  3. dja12

    dja12 Guest

    So where does that put me? What do I need to install? can I just put in evox?
  4. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    why don't you just install the linux file with evox?
  5. dja12

    dja12 Guest

    OK, so i have the evox 2.6 V 1.0, I will go back and get lunix (any specific one?) and that should get me to where I am going? If that is the case than thank you for your help

    By the way, do I put the lunix and evox on the same CD-rw?
  6. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    ok wat u do is get the save either from xbins or action replay...then put it on your mem card and put it on your HDD......THen load which ever game you are using to load the linux file and load up the profile and it is pretty self-ex-lanatory from there

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