its possible to flash the ds right? like the firmware and such. and im also wondering what does it do? i dont plan on doing it, just to know what it does and when the time comes to know what to do. also, is flashing used so restore bricked ds?
Yes, I did it when I got my first Slot-2 Cart. There are multiple versions, it can remove the Health&Warning screen (Depending on which version), Boot from Slot-2 in NDS mode(It will load normally if you hold Select), and there is an alternate version were it only boots Slot-2 if you hold down Select.
thats cool. is there a website or anything that has all the different versions? and also, how do you get backups incase something happens to the ds and the flashing backfires?
Here. Aside from the included Failsafe, not to my knowledge, I only had one Brick and it was within Warranty, I just replaced it.