flashing tsop

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Nu2Mods, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    if i flash the tsop will i be able to load an unmodded hard drive and use an autoinstaller and format it with that?
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That depends very much on what bios you flash with, and whether it supports configurable bios settings. It's often better to just replace the dash with one of the older swap exploits. Why anybody would want to use the risky tsop flash these days with reliable softmods and good chips is a mystery.
  3. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    well my tsop is flashed but i want to flash it again so i can have the security of a chip without having to buy one, what bios should i flash to it?
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Depends on version.. evox m8 is pretty good.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2006
  5. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    ok i used slayers 2.6 to flash it and i want to modify my boot screen the big X how do i change the bios and save it to the xbox?
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Not telling.... Time for some serious research. You will need a splitcher probably.
  7. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    well i used an autoinstaller (slayers) to flash it

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