I want to flash the xbox bios with my laptop. the files that I have are pbl, and cromwell bios 2.27 and evox. the trouble I am having is bringing up the harddrive on my laptop.am i suppost to connect to the net first? I also have flash fxp. please help.
you dont need to connect your xbox to your laptop to flash the BIOS. all you need to do is FTP the BIOS file to your xbox. follow these steps: first get the BIOS file xxxx.BIN (256k,512k or 1024k) FTP that to your xbox C\Bios\xxxx.bin then go to your xbox and on your Evox look for "Flash Bios" select that and then press Y (the xbox will turn off) WARNING YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL THAT DATA AND SCREW YOUR XBOX IF THE BIOS IS DAMAGED hope that helps
If i soft-modded my xbox, can i still flash the bios? which bios should i get? M8 bios? If the bios is damaged and screw up my xbox, is there any chance to fix it?