Hi All Just received CD & cables to flash a new image But being a complete novice and not very computer literate,in other words I havn't got a clue.The box is a Sagem and is already in dbug mode but has the german settings instead of UK.Has sombody got some spare time to talk me through it step by step please. Charlie.
two ways to flash via remote control or using IFA if the box is up and running then I would recommend flashing using remote control you need to FTP to the DBox copy a valid UK image (making sure its the correct flash chip version) to the tmp folder using remote control click DBox button then into services then need to find a image restore/backup option - may be differently named then you need to select write image and the important bit is to select the option flash image without bootloader let it do the job - takes about 10 minutes it will reboot at the end and voila you should have a UK modded image on the box. these are very simple steps - dependents on how novice or expert you are when it comes to connecting a PC to the DBox
Hi there What do you mean by up & running?The box came from Germany but they forgot to change the image from the German one to the UK one.They sent me a disc with 2ximages &two cables one looks like Ethernet and the other looks like a smaller version of a printer cable.Might be wrong but think it is called a Null cable.That's as much as I know. Charlie
Simplest way is to download IFA from http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de/freedownloads.php Unplug the DBox from mains. Connect null modem & crossover ethernet cable to PC & DBox Run the application and chose where the image is on your HD Choose the network card the DBox is connected to Click YES to having null modem cable Click start Click OK on next message Plug DBox back into mains & IFA will do the rest. When IFA is finished reboot the DBox by unpluging/plugging into mains Job done!
Thanks very much for that information will give it a try.By the way do you know how to re-set the time on this forum because it all seems wrong and slightly confusing.I am in the UK by the way don't know wether that makes a differance
I have some instructions with screen shots on my website http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa also includes the English version of the application