I was reading around online about the DS and homebrew and all that and ran across a wiki talking about the ds bricker. What I'm wondering is a few different things. 1) If I install flashme, do I have a way to go back to stock firmware? 2) With the DS Lite, is it any easier to recover a bricked system? 3) Are the newer firmwares protected against bricking? 4) Will installing flashme prevent me from playing any games right now, or in the forseeable future?
0. answer to thread title: pointless nowadays. 1. i don't think so... unless ya can find it. might be online somewhere. then ya would just have to flash back... probably won't work that way... 2. same. 3. the newer hacked ones are(flashme v7 now i think?). the new stock ones (ds lite) carry the same weakness, since its not to be done in the first place... 4. not now. possibly future: maybe... can't see that far. there's a wii in the way... damn black wii with modchip... 5. moonshell has a built-in anti-brick launcher. so launch suspicious homebrew through there first. or an emulator.
1. With the original DS, you can just use noflashme to return it to the stock firmware. Last I checked, there isn't a way to restore the stock firmware on a DS Lite. 2. Nope. 3. Stock firmwares aren't while flashme is. 4. Nope. Even if it did, all it takes is another flashme revision. I disagree with XbusterZ about it being pointless nowadays since it still prevents bricking and it removes the need for a PassMe altogether. While it's true that nopass devices work great, I didn't see a reason to buy one when I could just buy a slot 2 device and use my brother's SuperKey to flash my DS instead. Another reason is that if you want to play single cart multiplayer and the host is using a back up, the receiving DS may not be able to receive it unless it has flashme installed to remove the RSA check.