My families tv recently blew its high voltage thing and would cost about 160 dollars to fix which is just a few dollars shy of what it would cost to by a new one that is similar. we had a 27" JVC regular CRT (curved screen). My parents are content with by something the same at around $220. I have mentioned that would should get a flat screen. My parental units then asked, "what benefits does a flat screen offer that a regular does not?" If anyone can explain to me what the difference between a flat screen crt and a regular crt is it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time Brett
Film is produced on a flat surface. Therefore, if you forget about the advantages of a much wider viewing angle witha flight screen, film and tv representation is more accurate with the flat screen. A curved screen has to bend the original picture, sharpness and detail is lost this way. Go for a flat screen, make sure its a wide one as well Chris