well, i guess this might seen trivial to some but here goes... i was working with harddrives lately and was all into disconnecting wires and all and accidently took out some other wires... my floppy drive is the only thing i cant seem to get working anymore... or it might be working but not located... I have windows XP. 2 cable are inserted into the floppy drive...A power cable(not like the harddrive one though ofcourse) and serial(which i tried inserting in both ways)... However, in one of the ways, the green light from the floppy was always on regardless of anything... Anyone got a clue? is it from the connection or system software...? thnx in advance. Sam
the fact the green light was on all the time meant cable was in reverse & motherboard sees it. check the device manager & see if yellow exclamation mark is present?? if you have a floppy boot disk try & boot on it
well, i reversed the cable and inserted it in properly. The green light is off,but my computer still doesnt detect the floppy drive. i checked the device manager and there is no exclamation mark...but it is worthy to note there is no floppy either :S... This is what i see in device manager: Floppy Disk Controllers Standard Floppy disk controller (i think this means there is no floppy installed in the first place).This also means i cant boot anything of it...since it doesnt even notice i have a floppy drive present... (Note:if i go to BIOS and start up using floppy disk, it doesnt even access the floppy drive. i.e: there is no sound of the dosk being accessed.) thnx again...waiting for further instructions..
is the floppy seek enabled in bios, if it is & no light on or not boot from floppy than floppy drive has bought the farm. they are worth about $12Can