i just installed my floppy drive and it's a standard floppy disk drive. it says the device is working properly, but when i put in a disk, it doesn't read and tells me to put in a disk. what's the problem? could it be i need to install a driver for the motherboard? i have a MSI 865PE Neo2 motherboard... any suggestions?
i presume the drive light is not always on except to read the disk, is the disk formatted or has info on it. is the drive new or old
acutally, the drive light is always on, even when there's no disk inside... and i've used the disk before on other computers to save school work... and i believe the drive is fairly new, it says that the driver date is 7/1/2001
I've had a similar problem. But probably only because I have an LS-120 drive installed also. Considered getting a thumb drive. They hold more data and work on USB. TC
Hey cOOns! When you connect any IDE or floppy data cable the white/red line on the cable is orientated so it is near the pin #1 marking on the motherboard. At the other end(drive)the stripe is connected closest to the power connector. If the floppy drive light is on the cable is upside down.
yes you have floppy cable in reverse(pin 1 to pin 34 instead of pin 1 to pin 1 & pin 34 to pin 34). but you have to look at connector on drive as pin is not always closes to power only ide drives are. panasonic drive in my hand right now pin 1 is opposite side from power cable. computer off rotate connector on floppy & turn power on, light will stay on for a bit then turn off
Hey DDP, I doubt c00ns(and the majority of people) can tell which pin is #1 on a floppy drive.They can tell if the light is on........ Later.........
this is not meant as an insult but always do a R.T.F.M.D.(Read The F***ing Manual Dummy) as the motherboard manual will tell you what to do, where is pin 1 on floppy cable, ide cable & what ever. and on about half of floppy drives there is markings for pin 1, floppy drive connector is keyed, it just depends on whether floppy cable connector is keyed. if still in doubt, ask
Pin 3 is always missing on floppies, therefore pin 1 is to the left of it..................... Also there is sometimes a cut out on the pcb and in the connector (polarity key), pin 1 is always to the left of this key..........(another check)..... Also, you want to check if ALL the pins are seated in the connector, as it is very easy to push the connector on, and bend a couple of pins at either end out of the side, so they are not in the connector.......... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down [/small]
baabaa, pin 3 is not always missing as i have an alps electric drive in my hand that is not missing pin 3 so it depends on manufacturer whether pin 3 is missing or not. usually but not always pin 1 & pin 34? will be silk screened on circuit board or stamped on casing by a symbol not a #, symbol like a narrow triangle
Just flip the cable, there is only two possible possitions if your using the proper cable. the only issue comes up is if you also installed a 5.25 drive on the same line. Is this a 5.25 drive or just the 3.5 drive. there are cable issues and wire crosses you need to consider with 5.25 drives. Other wise with 3.5, light should not be on. if so switch the cable and should work. If not might be a bad drive. Do a dumpster dive and get a new one.
Well, I ain't arguing the toss over a stupid pin. ALPS DF354H090F.............................. The fact of the matter: Either Bad drive Bad connection Reversed 34 pin cable (twisted towards motherboard) Not all pins connected THE END _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down [/small]
baabaa not arguing just correcting just as you would correct me if i got it wrong. i am always right except when i am wrong
Sorry to disappoint you my friend, as I have seen alot throughout this forum, and unlike others, I know when not to start goading people............
thanks to everyone who helped me, i just had to reverse the cable... and i'm not the most computer literate person... i just bought the cpu from a friend and he didn't have the drive installed yet so i did it myself. thanks again all.